The Easiest Dandelion Syrup!

Step 1

Pick fully mature dandelion flowers while in bloom. You'll want about 6 to 8 liters worth!

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Step 2

Let the picked flower heads sit in a bucket until the flowers 'close'. Take scissors and cut the petals of at the base. Discard the green plant, but save the bright yellow petals.

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Step 3

Soak the flower petals in cold water. You can add a lemon if you wish. The longer the petals soak the better! (Up to 2 days!)

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Step 4

Pour the flower mixture into a large pot & bring to a boil. Simmer the petals for about 20 minutes to fully extract all the flavor.

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Step 5

Strain the petals, to remove any sediment and plant matter. Add the strained dandelion extract back to the pot, add sugar, then bring it back to a boil.

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Step 6

Once the liquid has reduced by half, test the syrup for thickness by cooling a small amount.

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Cook until desired thickness is reached!  The syrup should be slightly thinner then honey, and golden yellow!

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Enjoy your dandelion syrup on freshly baked biscuits with butter, on toast, in tea's, or as a special treat for kids!

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