Turn on the Instant Pot and press 'saute'. Hit 'adjust' to turn up the heat to 'more'. Let the pot preheat until the display reads 'HOT'
Add 2 tablespoon of extra virgin coconut oil to the pot and let it melt.
Add half a cup of popcorn kernels and stir them around with a wooden spoon. Stir and evenly spread the kernels over the bottom of the Instant pot for about a minute. You will hear them start to sizzle.
Place a glass lid over the Instant Pot. An official Instant Pot Lid is available though not required. Any Large lid will do.
Let the popcorn pop for about 5 minutes. When the popping slows to one pop every 15 seconds, shake the pot and let any uncooked kernels pop. Remove the lid and using an oven mitt or dry towel, pour the freshly popped popcorn into a serving bowl.
Season the Instant Pot popcorn with melted butter or your favorite seasoning blend. (See the post for 6 popular flavor combinations!)
Trouble Shooting:
Oils such as canola, peanut, corn, or olive oil may all be used as well, but they have varying smoke points and may heat differently, resulting in less evenly popped corn, or burnt kernels.
Another reason the kernels may not be popping popping is that :
your instant pot heats higher then mine (try doing this on a lower temperature setting)
you have old popcorn kernels.
Popcorn pops because the moisture trapped inside heats, and when the pressure becomes to much, POP, the kernel pops. Old kernels or ones which have been stored to long and have dried out will not pop.
Calories: 887.9kcal
Nutrition info is auto-generated. This information is an estimate; if you are on a special diet, please use your own calculations.
Keyword can you cook popcorn in a pressure cooker?, how do you cook popcorn in the instant pot?